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目錄 購物車 {{currentCart.getItemCount()}}
2024 Lovin’ You Trifille Vol.04 - 唯井真尋、楓花戀、宇野美玲 女優寫真卡 卡盒 (巫女 & 可愛動物 雙主題)

2024 Lovin’ You Trifille Vol.04 - 唯井真尋、楓花戀、宇野美玲 女優寫真卡 卡盒 (巫女 & 可愛動物 雙主題)

11/16 23:30 開賣

📍 每盒 隨機附贈 Promo 卡 1張 ( PR-1 ~ 12,全套 共12款 )

📍 每人 限購 6盒 ( 凡是 單款主題 訂購 2盒以上 , 卡盒封面 則會 默認 "兩款平均" 出貨 !! )

📍 全球 超限量 發行 👉 320 箱 = 3840 盒 ! !

📍 每盒 會有 : 👉 2張 以上 珍貴 Precious 和 極其稀有 Extreme Rare 的卡片 ( 2+ Hits )

📍 每箱 = 12盒 , 平均 有 30張 珍貴 Precious 和 極其稀有 Extreme Rare 的卡片 ( 30 Hits )

{{ productService.variationPriceMemberTag(variationSelected) }}
{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{ title.name_translations | translateModel }} : {{variationName[$index] | translateModel}}
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



{{'products.quick_cart.out_of_number_hint'| translate}}

{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件



(每盒 附贈 Promo卡 PR-1~12 , 隨機1張,)..

2024 Lovin’ You Trifille Vol.04

唯井真尋 < Mahiro Tadai >

楓花戀 < Karen Kaede >

宇野美玲 < Mirei Uno >

Miko 巫女 主題 Cute Animals 可愛動物 主題

1盒 = 16包 , 1包 = 6張卡

上市日期 : 11/16/2024



掛號 郵資 $70

超商取貨 郵資 $65

包裹 郵資 $80


2024 Lovin’ You  Trifille Vol.04 - 唯井真尋、楓花戀、宇野美玲

All Collection 233 Types

1 box contains 96 Cards / 16 packs (1 pack contains 6 Cards)


✿ Base Card - - - - - -72 Types


Rare Insert Cards

✿ Base Card Parallel - - - - - -9 Types


Precoius Rare Insert Cards

✿ Autograph A (Each 250 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Autograph B (Each 99 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Autograph C (Each 70 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Lovin'U Theme Costume (Each 200 Limited) - - - - - -6Types

✿ Lovin'U Shifuku (Each 200 Limited) - - - - - -36Types

✿ Lovin'U Sweetie Doll (Each 130 Limited) - - - - - -6 Types

✿ Lovin'U Bikini (Each 150 Limited) - - - - - -6 Types

✿ Lovin'U Lingerie (Each 120 Limited) - - - - - -9 Types

✿ Lovin'U Palm Cuff (Each 50 Limited /Autograph Version in No.1-10) - - - - - -3 Types


Extreme Rare Insert Cards

✿ Autograph D (Each 30 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Autograph E (Each 15 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Autograph Eiji (Each 10 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Autograph Unique (Each 1 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Autograph Trifille (Each 10 Limited) - - - - - -1 Type

✿ Lovin' DCP (Each 100 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Lovin' Video Clip (Each 20 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Q&A Message (Each 20 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Angelic Kissing Autograph (Each 20 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Selfie Autograph (Each 15 Limited) - - - - - -12 Types

✿ Lovin' Fantaisie (Each 20 Limited) - - - - - -6 Types

✿ Lingerie Highlights (Each 26 Limited) - - - - - -6 Types

✿ Lovin' Photo Autograph 1/1 (Total 60 Limited / Each 20 Limited)

✿ Lovin' Photo 1/1 (Total  180 Limited / Each 60 Limited)

✿ Lovin' Kiss Mark Autograph (Each 20 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Lovin' Kiss Mark (Each 60 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Lovin'U Graffiti (Each 10 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Lovin'U Culottes (Each 30 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Lovin' Amulet (Each 4 Limited) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Lovin' Cheki 1/1 (1200 Limited)

✿ Angelic DNA (10 Limited/1~3 Autograph Version in No.1-3) - - - - - -3 Types

✿ Trifille DNA (3 Limited) - - - - - -1 Type

✿ Bra Straps Fragments 1/1 (48 Limited)

✿ Bra Hook Fragments 1/1 (12 Limited)

✿ Lovin'U Costume Redemption 1/1 (9 Limited)



Please note the following statement:

Each pack contains 6 random cards of 233 different types.

The appearance ratio is calculated based on the proportion of total production and is not guaranteed to be the same for each box.

Product contents and specifications are in the process of production and may differ from this product.



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